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Tigris pricing is based on the following components:

  • Data Storage: the amount of data stored in your buckets.
  • Requests: the number of requests made to your buckets and objects. The request costs are based on the type of request and are calculated based on the quantity of requests.
  • Data Transfer: the amount of data transferred out of your buckets.

Pricing table

Data Storage$0.02/GB/month [1] [2]
Class A Requests: PUT, COPY, POST, LIST$0.005/1000 requests [3]
Class B Requests: GET, SELECT, and all others$0.0005/1000 requests [4]
Data Transfer$0.00/GB [5]

Data storage unit

Tigris measures storage in binary gigabytes (GB), where 1 GB equals 2^30 bytes . This unit, also called a gibibyte (GiB), is defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). In the same way, 1 TB is equivalent to 2^40 bytes, or 1024 GB.

Storage costs are calulated using GB/month. A GB/month is determined by averaging the daily peak storage over a billing period (1 month). Example:

  • Storing 1 GB (1,073,741,824 bytes) constantly for whole month will be charged as 1 GB/month
  • Storing 10 GB for 12 days in June, and then 20 GB for the rest 18 days will be charged as 16 GB/month

    10 GB x 12/30 + 20 GB x 18/30 = 16 GB/month

Data storage multiple copies

Tigris, by default, manages the data distribution for you, ensuring data is stored close to the users to ensure low latency and high availability. However, as mentioned in the Object Regions section, you may choose to control the data distribution and store multiple copies of your data in different regions. In such cases, the storage cost is calculated based on the number of copies stored. For example, if you elect to store two copies of your data in two different regions, you will be charged twice for the storage.

Class A Requests

CreateBucket, CreateMultipartUpload, CopyObject, ListObjects, ListObjectsV2, ListMultipartUploads, ListBuckets, ListParts, PutBucketCors, PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration, PutObjectTagging, PutObjectAcl, PutObjectRetention, PutObjectLegalHold, PutObjectLockConfiguration, PutBucketAcl, PutBucketPolicy, PutBucketTagging, PutBucketAccelerateConfiguration, PutBucketOwnershipControls, PutObject

Class B Requests

GetBucketAccelerateConfiguration, GetBucketAcl, GetBucketCors, GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration, GetBucketLocation, GetBucketOwnershipControls, GetBucketPolicy, GetBucketPolicyStatus, GetBucketRequestPayment, GetBucketTagging, GetBucketVersioning, GetObject, GetObjectAcl, GetObjectTagging, HeadBucket, HeadObject

Data transfer pricing

While other cloud providers tax you for each GB of data transferred, we don't. At Tigris, we don't charge for regional data transfer, region-to-region data transfer, or data transfer out to the internet (egress) in the majority of use cases. However, if your bandwidth requirements are extraordinary, please reach out to us at to discuss your requirements.

Enterprise pricing

For larger workloads we offer the ability to customize the pricing and service contract to best fit your needs. Please reach out to us at to discuss your requirements.

Free allowances

We offer a free allowance as follows:

  • 5GB of data storage per month
  • 10,000 PUT, COPY, POST, LIST requests per month
  • 100,000 GET, SELECT, and all other requests per month

Unexpected traffic

We are happy to discuss a refund if you experience unexpected traffic due to an attack that results in a surprisingly large bill. Please reach out to us at

Unauthorized access

We do not charge for unauthorized requests to your buckets and objects.

Example pricing

Example 1

Let's say you have a bucket with 10GB of data with an average size of 1MB per object, and you make 100,000 GET requests to the objects in the bucket. You will be charged as follows:

  • Data Storage: 5GB x $0/GB/month (free allowance) + 5GB x $0.02/GB/month = $0.10
  • PUT Requests: 10,000 x $0/1000 requests (free allowance) = $0
  • GET Requests: 100,000 x $0/1000 requests (free allowance) = $0
  • Data Transfer: $0

Example 2

Let's say you have a bucket with 100GB of data with an average size of 1MB per object, and you make 1,000,000 GET requests to the objects in the bucket. You will be charged as follows:

  • Data Storage: 5GB x $0/GB/month (free allowance) + 95GB x $0.02/GB/month = $1.90
  • PUT Requests: 10,000 x $0/1000 requests (free allowance) + 90,000 x $0.005/1000 requests = $0.45
  • GET Requests: 100,000 x $0/1000 requests + 900,000 x $0.0005/1000 requests = $0.45
  • Data Transfer: $0