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Bucket Management with Flyctl

Tigris is a globally distributed S3-compatible object storage service natively integrated with Tigris runs on hardware and is fully integrated with flyctl.

Getting Started

To use Tigris you need a account. If you don't have one, you can get yourself one here.

You can then use the fly storage command to create and manage Tigris buckets.

Creating and managing a bucket

Creating a bucket associated with a Fly app

To create a bucket for one of your Fly apps, run the following command in the directory where your Fly app is located:

fly storage create

This will create a bucket and set the required environment variables for you.

$ fly storage create
? Choose a name, use the default, or leave blank to generate one: demo-bucket
Your project (demo-bucket) is ready. See details and next steps with:

Setting the following secrets on ot-demo:

Secrets are staged for the first deployment

Creating a bucket not associated with a Fly app

If you want to create a bucket that is not associated with a Fly app, you can run the same command outside of a Fly app directory.

$ fly storage create
? Select Organization: Ovais Tariq (personal)
? Choose a name, use the default, or leave blank to generate one:
Your project (polished-thunder-5646) is ready. See details and next steps with:

Set one or more of the following secrets on your target app.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
BUCKET_NAME: polished-thunder-5646

Creating a public bucket

By default, buckets are private. You can create a public bucket by passing the --public flag to the fly storage create command:

fly storage create --public

Updating bucket public access

You can make a private bucket public or a public bucket private by using the fly storage update command:

fly storage update bucket-name --public


fly storage update bucket-name --private

Listing buckets

To list all the buckets associated with your Fly account, run the following command:

fly storage list

Deleting a bucket

To delete a bucket, run the following command:

fly storage destroy bucket-name